Spiderman theme by theyduke for Nokia C3 and X2

Untuk tema nokia C3 dan X2 adalah sama walaupun ukuran layarnya beda. nantinya akan menyesuaikan sendiri pada hanphone nokia sobat.... dan disini saya tampilkan hanya screenshot C3......
Mantap bangeeet ni cuuuuy...............

Linux theme by theyduke for Nokia C3 and X2

Ini satu lagi yang mantap ...brow dan agan2 maupun semua yang ada di bumi (wakakakakakakak) semua gk bakalan kecewa...... keren abis...

Windows8 theme by theyduke for nokia Symbian S60v5(5800,5230,5228,5235,5530,5233,X6,N97/mini,C6 dll)

Download Windows8 by theyduke

gorillaz theme for nokia Symbian S60v5 (5800,5230,5228,5235,5530,5233,X6,N97/mini,C6 dll)

Download gorillaz theme for Symbian S60V5

Download Superman theme here

HOT!!! themes symbian v3 work in nokia C3 and X2

Download theme symbian v3 for C3 and X2 here/disini

Spongebob theme for Nokia C3 and X2

Download Spongebob theme here/disini

windows mobile theme for nokia C3 and X2

Download here/disini